Sunday, August 31, 2008

A girl can dream, can't she?

So, Gustav is not cooperating. He insists on coming where he is not welcome. And he has turned into a great big brute.
That being said, we may not have power for 3 after Katrina. I hope that doesn't happen. When Katrina hit, I was far away saying "those poor people"....yikes. I really don't like the thought of becoming one of those poor people.

So I have filled the tubs and a vast assortment of buckets and plastic trash cans with water. After all, we will need to be able to force flush the toilets.
Dean was buying water on Wednesday night....he overheard a man say "oh, gosh, maybe we oughta buy some toilet paper...remember LAST TIME?" The lady replied "yes, yuck, yes lets go get some!"
So Dean brought home a 24 pack.
And then he brought back another 24 pack today.
How much tp does one family of four need?

Dean already pruned the trees so heavily that they look like skeletons....but hopefully the wind will blow THROUGH them better this way.
And he scalped the yard.
Yes ma' really works. If you have high grass it catches water easier.
Everyone here is scalping their yard.
We still have lots to do. Plywood for the back doors to the patio, pick up ALL the garden stuff, patio stuff, etc. That alone could take forever.

Egads...the things you think about having to do........

If I'm off line forever you'll know why..........

Maybe we'll get lucky and it will go "somewhere else." Then I can delete this post and pretend it was all just a bad dream.


jillytacy said...

I've been thinking of all of you. I really do hope it will pass by you leaving you all untouched! It's nice to hear that in the face of the storm you are all working together to get prepared. I'll be checking in on you, saying prayers and sending positive thoughts your way!

Zoë said...

God I hope it passes you by!! Good Luck

Shawnee said...

I'm praying this one just dissipates and you have to think of other ways to use up ALL THAT TP! I think TP'ing the neighbor's house who left everything outside ...!

Unknown said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours during this trying time young lady.... If that silly storm hits I will pray for no damage, no loss of life and a quick recovery to every day life as you know it.
Hugs sweet friend,
ON a funny note.. You can send out a roll of TP with your swaps to use it up :)

June (planetjune) said...

Oh Val, I've been hoping your family wouldn't be affected by this. Keeping my fingers crossed that all your preparations are unnecessary. Take care xx

Lucy said...

Good luck! We are thinking of you here in MO.

Mom2fur said...

It sounds like you're well-prepared, but I sure hope nothing comes of it! Good luck and stay safe!

FORD RULES said...

I have been keeping you all in my prayers. Stay safe ...and keep us up to date if you can..

Melissa said...

I've been thinking about you guys. I pray that you won't get the brunt of the storm. Stay safe!

jfn Photography said...

Keeping you in my prayers...

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