I was soooo excited when Tami emailed me a few days later and told me I WON the tote she was giving away.
Here is the tote in all its bubble-icious glory!

This tote comes from an etsy store owned by Tami's friend. Please go check it out! She has several others to choose from.
Now for my other gift....Strep Throat! Lucky me!
Imagine how much fun it is to sit in a doctor's office for 2 hours and only see the doctor for 4 minutes and to decide to WALK OUT. They were like...you can't LEAVE. We have to do blood work. (my strep test came back weird.)
Not today....not after 2 hours. So the flustered doctor wrote me out a Px for a z-pack with instructions to come back in a week if I don't feel much better.
Of the 2, the tote was a much better gift and a serious mood lifter!
I hope you feel better soon! Strep is awful! The tote bag certainly was a better gift! I think you should fill the tote with magazines books, chocolate and your favorite snacks then put on your pjs and climb in bed for the day with your tote bag. Have Curly Girl and Rip Stick boy take care of you for the day. They'd probably have fun doing it! I hope you start to feel better tomorrow.
Hope you feel better soon!
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