Thursday, September 18, 2008

Viva la Difference....... I go into vacuum my kid's rooms.

Here is what my son's bed looks like:

it takes him approximately 1 minute to do this..........

Now here is what my daughter's bed looks like:

Clover, all tucked in:

her beloved blankie wrapped around some babies to keep them safe:

and a bird hitching a ride:

I guess in the wild, birds DO sit on animals backwards.....

No wonder it takes her 30 minutes to 'make her bed....'


Very Mary said...

hee hee hee! That is really, really cute!

Leah of RamFam said...

Wow! How do you get them to make their beds?

Solidia said...

I love it!! My girls do the same thing with their animals. They have to make sure the animals are content while they are at school. :)

Limecat said...

Haha - he's very organised. My boy just flings things in the air and lets them fall.

Thanks for popping over to visit Horse of History! I've just smashed my hand in the car door this evening so no crochet for me for a couple of days. Ouch!

Unknown said...

Oh what a fun room for your little girl. Yes girls really start collecting at a young age don't we? :)
Yes Val birds sit on animals all the time. I have white Egrets that sit on the backs of my horses all the time :) I think they set up there and eat the flies that buzz around. Only reason that I could think of.... for them to sit atop the horses backs all the time. But sometimes they run around their legs.. yep getting the flies is it I'm sure :)

Jen Sue Wild said...

So cute . Curly girl is a total girl. My 7 year old dd bed looks the same way. I love how she wrapped her friends up in her blankets so they would not get cold.

Zoë said...

I love it!!! Birds do this, but I am not sure I have ever heard of a blue jay doing it;)

Jessica said...

Those beds crack me up. All summer long, my neighbor girls made their beds just like your daughter...taking hours to tuck all their animals in!

mysteryhistorymom said...

I love your darling little acorn and your sweet apron! You are one talented lady!:) Our girls are partners in the book swap. We are going to have such fun! Lori

Amy said...

That is so cute! Thanks for the smile.

jillytacy said...

I'm impressed that she makes her bed. I'm bad about making mine! Curly Girl is artistic so she can't help it. her bed's a reflection of her creativity!

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