Leo is my little shadow during the day when the kids are at school. He follows me around and perches nearby. He isn't a 'lap' cat like so many are. He wants to be near....but on his terms.
He especially likes to sit on the top of my computer chair while I'm in the seat using the computer. But the top part that he sits on is really narrow so he usually has his claws stuck in to help him hang on.

He also will sit on this little ledge that overlooks the downstairs family room. He'll pace back and forth, sleep and even hang over the edge in a half hearted attempt to jump down. He'll even stretch up on the wall like he is going to use it as a scratching post. I really HATE it when he does that. He fell 2 times already when he was a kitten. Not from this side but from the other side facing the stairs. Both times, some shelved furniture in the entry hall broke his fall......
On THIS side though, he'd have to jump at an angle...and hope to land on a chair.......
Lovely Leo.........I much prefer you here.......
I know this is what your post was about, but I'm buying a house next week and it has a half-wall between the kitchen and the living room and another around the stairwell (which has several bends in it).
Anyway! I like the ledge trim that Leo sits on (and falls off). I'm gonna have to see if I can talk my Grandad into doing something like that for me! (My hubby HATES woodworking, so, it will have to be Grandad I think.)
Thanks for the picture with the cool idea!
Thanks for the nice comment on the apron! The pattern is a simplicity pattern from 1955. I see them frequently on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-1-Yard-Bib-APRON-Pattern-HEART-Pockets-3-Styles_W0QQitemZ170219480520QQihZ007QQcategoryZ606QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I did end up lengthening it a few inches because I thought the original one was too short and looked funny on me. I can't wait to make the flirty little heart one. :)
What a beautiful boy!
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