It helps me keep up with how many we give away so I can plan for next year. This year I decided not to do that and instead made little ghosts out of suckers.
I used coffee filters instead of tissue and they turned out so cute!
I had a lot of fun making them....and so did Suki. Aw, look how sweet, here she is pulling out a sucker for me.
and here she is picking one out for me to ghostify
and here she is taking one I finished to put in the 'done pile.'
WAIT a she is taking off with it!
HEY! I thought she was supposed to be helping me!
But she wouldn't give them back....she batted them around on the floor...
and guarded them....
We'd have to chase her down and take them away. I finally gave her one of her own.
She batted it around until the ghost AND the wrapper came off and then lost interest...thank goodness!
Snookie likes to "help"me craft at night. Even Ruby came to help one night until she stepped on a container of beads! It scared her half to death and she actually jumped in the air! I laughed so hard! For being a senior Pug she still has a lot of spring in her!:) Lori
Looks like Suki had lots of fun!
Hi Val
The little ghosts are a great idea. Glad you had a little 'helper' there. LOL.
That is so funny! Everytime we put newspaper down on the floor for crafting or painting, Jingles always tries to lift up the paper, or grabs whatever supplies we are using. She grabs pencils when the kids are trying to do their homework. Love your ghost suckers. I always did this with my classes when I taught kindergarten. Think I might make some up this weekend for the kids to give to their friends. Have a great Wednesday. :) Tammy
cute ghosts idea. and suki is too cute!!
Suki is so cute! I love when cats "help" with projects. Then again some help isn't really helpful!
I have a helper too, but he runs off and hides things.....I love Suki's personality....
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