Wednesday, June 1, 2011

more PIE and a challenge...

I don't know WHY we are on such a pie kick around here but we are! I blame this week's pie on the ironcraft challenge!

Whatever the reason, it was so good I thought I'd share the recipe

I cannot find good baking apples here so I use Granny Smith apples.

6-7 granny smith apples
2 deep dish pie shells (or make your own crust)
1 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tbls flour
2 tbls cold butter, cubed
1 egg mixed with a splash of milk (optional)
cinnamon/sugar (optional)


In a large bowl, combine sugar, ground cinnamon and flour. Set aside.

Peel, core and slice your apples. I slice my apples THICK because I don't like mushy apple pie. In fact I use one of THESE and that is how thick my slices are.

Add apples to the dry ingredients and mix well. Make sure all the apples are coated.

Pour half the apples into your pie crust and dot with 1 tbls of butter. Pour the rest of the apples into the crust, they will mound up REALLY high. Dot with remaining butter.

Cover with the second pie crust and crimp the edges. Make some little vents in the top for steam.

I brush my crust with an egg wash made with 1 egg that has been mixed with a splash of milk.

Sprinkle the top crust with cinnamon/sugar mix.
Make sure your rack is in the MIDDLE of the oven and then bake at 350 for 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you slice your apples thin, they will be really soft. If you slice them really thick like I do, they should be soft but still slightly firm.

You may need to cover the pie with foil during the last 30 minutes of baking so be sure to keep an eye on it.

Now on to the challenge....this week we were to create something you could take/use at a BBQ, picnic or cookout. I saw a cute fabric bowl cover a couple years ago in an apron swap and decided to make one of those.

I used the tutorial from the cottage home and made this. Perfect for my large pasta/salad bowl.

It was SO easy to whip together...and since I had a pie just sitting there, I decided to use the bowl cover for it.

a little large but works just fine.


Mary Ann said...

What a great-looking pie! I love the cover - it looks like a multipurpose one has been born :-)

Zoë said...

I love the pie cover I am going to make one soon. Thanks for the link.

NadineC said...

Ooooo - sounds yummy! And I think you've just inspired me to make one of those bowl covers! Thanks!

Lindsay-ann said...

That pie looks so good. Keep it hidden from Gunter!

jillytacy said...

The bowl cover turned out great. I've always wanted to make some of those too. The pie looks delicious!

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