Having done this in the past, we knew it would be fun. You go up into the suite, you get great food, you get to see the game from the comfort of the box and still 'go' to the game.....total luxury!
Kaela brought her friend since Matt wasn't going. He was at a 'party.'
When we got there, we all quickly realized it wasn't going to work because the press box was already over crowded. See?
So instead, we sat and we talked and we sat and we ate and we sat and we watched people.
After awhile though, we started getting silly (the girls started it.)
First, they started posing....
then they starting snorting, laughing loudly and making faces...no one cared, all the other bored kids of employees were doing the same thing.
then the girls decided they wanted to sit on my lap...
and take photos...
but it is hard to take a photograph of 3 faces when you are holding the camera...
Such silly girls! It's fun to just be silly every once in awhile and girls are great at it.
It's great to have those silly days!
girls are fun that way!
Sounds like lots of silly fun!
makes me so miss being a kid again. that is some silly goodness
Looks like a fun day was had by all ! Thanks for visiting my blog all the way over in Africa - nice to 'meet' you & to find yours, too !
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