Mojo is just so sweet. He really LOVES to carry around a little lovie.
He won't tear it up but he will ask you to throw it for him.
Ginger destroys any toy I make or buy for them so they've been without any toys for awhile. So, now he is stealing the cat's toys again.
See? And see that black yarn chain?
It leads to the cat platform.
Kaela ties them to the platform so he won't carry them off. If he carries them off, Ginger guts them and I come home in time to clean up catnip!
So Mojo just contents himself snuggled up under a table, with his stolen lovie.
Ohhhhh, that seems like such a shame that poor Mojo can't play with toys just because Ginger gobbles them up. Maybe Mojo needs a play date with just the cats, where he can explore his inner puppy. Maybe while Ginger is at the vet, heehee?????
Mojo looks so very sweet!
What an adorable pup. It's frightening how attached we get to our dogs (and cats)....makes me wish they would live a whole lot longer. Sigh! Enjoy him while you can. He's very sweet :-)
Awww Poor Mojo needs a lovie. Our Suzi loves to have a blankie but she tears all stuffies to bits within minutes. I've been looking at those stuffing-less toys they have now. I might try that to see what she does. She loves "fluff" aka stuffing so much she tries to steal it out of my fiberfil bag when I have it out.
That is so sweet! Mojo looks so adorable with his borrowed lovie.
Hi Val
Oh he is so cute.
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