Monday, May 24, 2010

Monkeying around...

Lately I've seen so many cute crocheted aprons that I decided to make one.

I used some leftover yarn from a sock monkey blanket I made 3 years ago.....look how CUTE!

I used the Happy Hooker's Crochet Stitch n' Bitch book for the monkey face pattern.*

I had just enough yarn to finish it!

If any crocheter is interested in how I did you go:

For the body:
I used an "I" hook and crocheted 8 granny squares. (I did one solid so the face would show up.)
I attached the squares with slip stitch.
I went around the entire apron with sc to give it a nice edge.
I did NOT make a waistband.

For the ties:
I chained 130 for the first tie and then crocheted across the top of the apron, attaching the chain as I went, like how you did in the shamrock garland.
Then, I chained 130 on the other side for the other tie.
Turn and sc across.
Turn, sc across. I would have done it three times but ran out of yarn.

*For the face, I used an H hook instead of the one listed in the book.


gin said...

so cute. love the monkey face on it.

NadineC said...

Oh, that's adorable! And so clever! So, you'll be monkeying around in the kitchen, eh? Maybe make some Banana Bread? Heehee...

Rhonda said...

Too cute....the little monkey looks like the sock monkey from the Carol DuVal shows.

momma rae said...

really cute! i have never seen a crochet apron....i love it!

Betty aka Fudgie said...

I like the cute monkey wearing the apron the bestest!

Little Messy Missy said...

OMG I love that!!!!

Becky said...

That's so dern cute! And Curly Girl is such a sweetheart to model it.

[mumbles]I really got get the hang of this crochet thingy[/mumbles]

laterg8r said...

that monkey is adorable :D

Claireabelle said...

This is fantastic!!!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Looks great! I recognized the yarn and pattern right away :)

annemarie said...

This is the cutest ever - I miss be missing something as I have not heard of a crochet apron! I love sock monkeys so this is something that really appeals to me - your model is pretty appealing also!

nattyj said...

Oh, Val - this is the most adorable cutest apron I have seen - or maybe it's the model?!
Love it, you clever thing. x

Shawnee said...

So very cute! I've used that pattern before but not in such a creative way.

Unknown said...

this is just the cutest thing.....and curly girl is pretty darn adorable too.....I love the monkey crocheted in the apron....clever you!

Kerry said...

Super cute.... that monkey has "mischief" written all over his face!!!

Zoë said...

That is so cute! I love the monkey.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hey there! I love the teachers baskets you made using the quotation. Great idea! I am still working on more of the cards with crocheted flowers. So quick and easy since it's only chains and glue. That apron is great -- but I still can't figure out the granny square thing. Small I can handle, but when it starts to go on for too many rows, it seems to get away from me. I just love the look of using so many different colors, especially with a black border. :) One day I'll figure it out. Have a fabulous day. Best wishes, Tammy

jillytacy said...

Wow this turned out great! You amaze with your talent for crocheting! I wish I could crochet like that. You are so creative!
By the way Curly girl is growing up so quickly!

Very Mary said...

Cuter than cute! Or sockier than sock.

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