We have mockingbirds, woodpeckers, bluejays and hummers. We've had several broods too. A red tail hawk came to hunt on several occassions and caught a mockingbird right in front of me.
We had 2 pair of hummers and their brood stay...they are still here.
I had to buy more feeders.......they are eating around the clock!
I counted 5 on one feeder with 2 fighting near another one.
The most I've seen at once is 9 hummers....makes me VERY happy!
here they are in the rain.......look at this little guy's "hair"...he reminds me of Woodstock!
the rain didn't slow any of them down one bit...
We've also had 2 pair of red headed woodpeckers stay with us...they come eat our little cherry tomatoes after chasing off other feasters!
We don't mind, they are pretty much spent anyway. We had a great harvest while it lasted!
Our morning glories have covered this ornamental birdhouse....these are the wild ones I got from the nature trail.
look how GORGEOUS! The blooms are quite large.
These morning glories jumped the trellis and are taking over the ardesia! I started them from seed last year.
thanks to the rain, our rain lilies bloomed!
and our zinnias are in full force....
I hope you've had beautiful birds and blooms in your area this summer!
I love your pictures, Val! Birds and flowers are two of my favorite things!! Your yard and flowers are so charming. If I were a bird I would visit, too!:) Lori
The bird shots are great. We love hummingbirds.
Hi, Val!
Wow, thanks for sharing all those beautiful pictures from your world! I really enjoyed them :)
So beautiful tootz
Thank you for sharing such wonderful photos.. I just love the little Hummers.. I can't wait to go visit CA.. My grandmother has a whole tree of those little things.. or I should say they hang around the little tree :)Its so much fun having breakfast and watching them out the dinning room window :) What away to start out the day. I have to tell you... that's a fantastic photo of the red headed woodpecker too :)
Such pretty photos! I have weeds, no flowers though. :(
We hear the occasional woodpecker but we do see cardinals, blue jays and finches quite often. But I think I need a hummingbird feeder now! Oooh, and speaking of birds, this morning when I took Mya out there was a wild turkey ambling through the yard! She went NUTS(Mya, not the turkey).
Beautiful pictures of the hummers! We have several feeders for different kinds of birds and I love them. Yes, that one little guy does look like Woodstock! lol
Saw you sharing at Anything Blue Friday
Debbie :)
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