Friday, March 2, 2012

Birthday Boy

Yesterday was Matt's 16th birthday. I was home alone baking his cake and doing a few other last minute things when I pulled out his baby books.

Word to the wise....DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!

I get so weepy.....just nuts to do that to myself.

Anyway, I can't believe that our sweet, laid back son is 16 years old.
Next he'll be taking driving lessons....and needing a car (good luck with THAT!)

Since his birthday fell during the middle of the week, we just kept it low key, he doesn't like to be fussed over. This weekend, we'll take him out to dinner at his favorite place....Ch Ch Ch CHANGS!

Happy Birthday again Matt, we love you!!!


Zoë said...

They grow up to fast and looking back should only be done with others around and a glass of wine:)

Happy Birthday Matt!!!

annemarie said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome son - your children seem to have grown up overnight!!

Kerry said...

I can only imagine .... alone with the baby book .... makes me teary just thinking about it. They grow up waaaayyy to fast.
Putting together 5 years of Boy Childs Cub Scout journey recently, had me reaching for the tissue box a number of times.
Happy Birthday Matt.

gin said...

happy birthday Matt!!

jillytacy said...

Happy Birthday Matt!
I can only imagine how teary eyed you must have been! They grow up so fast, don't they! He's a great kid!

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