Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scarf it up!

This time of year I wear (and make) a lot of scarves! I adore them and would wear one everyday if it were cold enough!

I made this one for Dean.
I used
"Touch Me" yarn by Muench. It was part of his Christmas from me.

here is a close up of his stubble...scarf!

I made these scarves for the latest Craft Hope project.

And I made this cowl for myself! I love ORANGE!

I used this pattern by Lion's Brand and just shortened the beginning chains so it would fit me.

I bought the yarn sometime last year from my LYS. It was expensive but I got it HALF PRICE!
I wish they had more but it was the last one
in stock.


Scarf It Up said...

I love the name of your blog! And of course, I love the name of your post! Nice work!

Zoë said...

I just made the best scarf..... It was so fun to make. I am LOVEING knitting again.

laterg8r said...

beautiful scarves :D

Madelyn said...

Nice scarves Val.

Becky said...

Aren't knitting scarves just the best instant Grat project!? I Love to knit and wear 'em too.

I confess a jealousy here - YOU look great in orange! I love it and it's my college color but dang I look as if I died when I try to wear it near my face.

annemarie said...

Love all your scarves - you do such nice work.

Kerry said...

I love the cowl - the color is so pretty........... i need to learn to crochet!!!
Val I LOVE your little owl on your cute:-)

LollyChops said...

I love orange too! It's my second favorite color and if I could wear a scarf 365 days a year I totally would. Maybe I need to move to the artic!

Quiltingranny said...

I love scarves as well Val, just can't take up another craft! Those were beautiful!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I do wear scarves all the time. If I don't wear a necklace, then I wear some type of scarf -- sometimes I wear both. The cowl is great. Definitely your color. Great work. Blessings, Tammy

Solidia said...

Great scarves Val! The cowl looks beautiful on you. I'm going to have to make Bill a scarf some time. :)

Marla said...

I love the cowl! Dean's is great too. BTW I still totally love the beautiful green and purple scarf you gave me a few years ago. I love that it is snuggly and long enough to wrap over my ears when I need to.

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