I did NOT see this man with this possum....but the picture FITS what I DID SEE today......

Okay, so today on my way to work I saw a man cradling something in his arms, as I got closer I saw that it was a possum.
The man was holding it like you would a baby, but was holding its head by the scruff of the neck. I mean, have you ever seen those teeth?
My first thought was DANG, he's gonna eat road kill! (yes, I really thought that....)
As I got closer I realized the possum wasn't dead....it was alive.
So I decided he WASN'T going to eat road kill and promptly put it out of my mind.
When I got to work they asked if I could switch and work the afternoon so I said yes and left.
On my way back home, I saw the same man with the same possum.
He was standing right by the road....on the shoulder....with his feet just touching the asphalt.
He was shaking his fist and then pointing his finger at the possum while fussing at it.
I've decided that one of these three things was going on:
1. He was deciding whether or not to eat the possum. I mean, he would have to kill it himself, right?
2. He was mad at the possum and was going to fling it into oncoming traffic (maybe that's how all those possums end up being road kill in the first place....)
I actually slowed down because I was SURE this is what he planned to do. But as I passed by he was still yelling at the possum.
3. He had a special relationship with the possum and they were having an argument due to some difference of opinion.