Since I have short hair, my neck gets really cold in the winter...even down South.
I LOVE scarves...but I don't like wearing them while walking the dogs because I make long scarves and they get dirty when I bend down to throw the ball for the pooches.
I made this neck warmer to wear for that purpose. I LOVE the way it feels against my skin. In fact, I love it so much, I had to make 2 of these....one as a gift!
I did not write a true pattern for this but if you crochet and need a starting point, here is how I made it:
*my neck is 11 inches around and it took 2 COMPLETE skeins of this yarn. You will need to plan on buying more if you use the same yarn and hook and have a bigger neck.......
K crochet hook
2 skeins of Touch Me sueded yarn
Holding 2 strands of it together, make a chain to fit around your neck.
Basically, chain and try it around your neck. Add about an inch to the length because as you make it wider, it won't stretch as much.
Then work
double half crochets back and forth along the length until it is as wide as you like. I wanted mine to be bulky so I made mine pretty wide.
To finish off the edges, work 2 double crochets in each stitch on the short sides, then work a single crochet in each stitch on the top long side. You'll run out of yarn here. The bottom row should be your base chain anyway so it will look fine.
When you finish off leave a long tail, tie a tiny knot (yes, do it, this yarn is UBER soft and without a knot, it will unwork itself)
Work tail into body of neck warmer.

Get 2 buttons that will fit into the spaces made by the double half crochet stitch and sew them about 1 and a half inches from each side. I got 2 gorgeous bone buttons. I used a bit of yarn and a thin tapestry needle to sew mine on. Again, tie a knot. You won't feel it at all and it is important with this yarn.

It took me less than an hour to whip this up.