I did a LOT of baking this summer....something I don't usually do. I'm blaming it on Dean's Dessert of the Month Club gift I gave him. I have to admit that I've really enjoyed making all the new recipes so far. ( and no one has complained about eating them!)
I used to bake a lot but for the last few years, I'd been making the same desserts over and over again.
I decided to mix things up a bit.....so I started making some old favorites I grew up with. Several of which I'd never made for my own family (the horror!)
like banana pudding...
and apple pie...
and coffee cake...
and last but not least, angel food cakewith fresh strawberries...
This past week was my first week back at school and Gunter asked if he could tag along. I gave him the NO WAY look... but he promised to behave so along he came.
Look how cute he is at the computer.....
And look how cute he is in my chair.....
And look how cute he is on the slide at recess....
going down...
maybe the slide wasn't the best idea for a gnome with no legs!
This week's challenge was UFO's. Not the flying saucer kind....the crafty kind...an unfinished object!..anyone who is into crafts has UFO's lurking about.
I had a few little things but decided to finish my BIG summer project....the pet beds Kaela and I make for the local animal shelter. We had them all cut out so when I saw this challenge, I knew it was the perfect choice. The best part is that we made 24 in all! Some are REALLY large, some are teeny....most are in the middle somewhere. We did make 1 triangular shaped one....perfect for a kitty cage.
Last year when we dropped them off, the volunteers at the shelter requested some large dog beds. With the poor economy, people are having to leave their larger pets....they just can't afford to keep them any longer. Each time we go, we cry.....it just breaks my heart...the sheer amount of these unhomed animals is overwhelming.
If you want to make or take pet beds to your local shelter, I urge you to do so. Not even a feral or stray animal wants to lay on the hard ground. They always seek out something soft....especially when cold weather sets in. I use old scraps of fabric or go to the thrift shop and buy old sheets for 50 cents each. If you buy quilt batting with coupons, it isn't so expensive.
If you choose to make extra large dog beds, I suggest you make a giant pillow case and put 2 old pillows in it. They are easier to wash this way AND cheaper. I do this with my own dogs....when I buy new pillows for the family, I rotate the pillows into the dog beds.....and the dog's old pillows go to the shelter...win/win all the way around!
Now with all these pet beds made, We'll have the time to make the toys we made last year....tug toys and kitty sticks with feathers make for happy fur babies!
I made these business card holders several years back. I had forgotten I had any left....found these while cleaning out the garage, snugged up in some bubble wrap!
The ladybug was the best seller...and my favorite. I've got a few of these in my etsy shop.
Kaela joined Jill's panda swap this summer....the idea was to send things that were black and white...and include at least 1 panda item and 1 thing that was handmade...
Here is what she did for her partner...inside the basket was a nail polish kit...
a close up of a panda I made for the swap... and of the bookmark Kaela made...
And here is what she got in return....
Kaela was tickled with these.....she even shared with her brother
This week's challenge has to do with summer. Now there are lots of things that have to do with summer....but the VERY first thing I thought of was "frog skin rugs."
WEIRD...I KNOW...But when you live in the south, you see lots of frogs and lots of toads.
Big toads, little toads...tree frogs, water frogs....the list goes on.
Inevitably, you see a lot of DEAD frogs too...many the victim of crossing a street.
So, my creation for this week's challenge is this little ditty:
Barnaby Toad
Barnaby Toad Was crossing the road A crown upon his head One little slip, one little trip And he knew he would be dead...
Barnaby Toad While crossing the road Tried to catch a bug With a frown, he landed down And turned into a toad skin rug!
Poor, poor Barnaby...we see a lot of them after the rain...
The kids went back to school today........and the house is so quiet. Storm clouds are hanging over the house with lots of thunder booming...but no rain. Sort of fits how I feel.
I always get sad when school starts back up again. I truly love having the kids home with me. I know it won't be long before they grow up and move on with their own lives. As for school, I start back to work next week...just have some meetings and planning to do this week.
Today is mosaic Monday and I thought I'd show this old planter I did.
I think it was the second or third thing I did. It has held many plants over the years... the mosaic adds a barrier which helps keep moisture in...
These purple oxalis were in pot that broke so I moved them here....and they are happy. You can see one regular green oxalis poking its little head up....must have been a volunteer!
Last Thursday Kaela wanted some sewing time. She cracks me up. Instead of picking some super easy project, she chose to make this little duck from nosy nest. She did a good job given she has only sewn a couple of other things.
Since ducky was a toy drop, she chose to keep it simple. We dropped ducky in the nursery rhyme section of our local library right at closing Friday night.
Hopefully someone found ducky during story time Saturday morning.
Kaela hasn't been doing much artwork over the summer....but when she decides to she can whip stuff up in just minutes....like this tiger.
Sorry for the bad lighting....even outside, I couldn't get a good photo.
she made it for her binder....school starts tomorrow here and the tiger is the school mascot. If you want to see the full post on her art blog, go here....I have a close up of the tiger there too.
While Dean and Matt were at WOC this past weekend, Kaela and I stayed home. I think he was worried I would be bored......
But first....a fun photo.... while I packed for Dean, Suki thought she'd tag along...
saying goodbye....
I got some crafting done..... My sister Page and SIL Jane both wanted a plastic bag holder thingy I make.
so I made them one...
and I made a catnip mouse for someone in Mobile...
then I finally got to can something. Kerry sent me a little canning kit (thanks again Kerry!) but then I couldn't find rhubarb for Dean.
Lucky for me, my neighbor had some pears she doesn't eat so she let me pick some. I got just enough to try out my dad's recipe...they went from this:
to this in about 3 hours. They are wonderful over ice cream.....and biscuits and pancakes!
Then, our friends from Fort Worth came through to stay the night on their way to Destin. Kaela helped me clean house and make potato leek soup and home made bread. We enjoyed our company so much I forgot to get the camera :-(
Saturday, they took off for Destin so Kaela and I went shopping.
Kaela loves to go to the mall and shop. I HATE it.....probably because I worked retail for over 20 years. I really really hate shopping now...but I saved up a bunch of errands just for us to do together.
Kaela was thrilled with all the running and going...... we got some fur baby supplies, we looked for school clothes (which we couldn't find...) and bought some new shoes. Then we ate lunch and got a birthday present for a friend. Then we drove to Mandeville to get the school clothes we couldn't find in Slidell. Happily, we found them first thing...so we grabbed them and were outta there!
Even Kaela was exhausted by then so we just picked up salads for dinner and went home.
Before bed we watched one of our favorite movies.....
Dean and Matt went on a 4 day youth oriented mission called Weekend of the Cross. You can read about WOC here. Dean went as a chaperon/work leader so they could do some boy stuff together.
Churches from all over the region went to Mandeville, LA to help repair houses for families in need. Dean's group worked somewhere in Hammond but they had groups working all over. Dean took lots of photos of his work group but since I don't know all the kids, I'll just show a few....
When they got there, a band was playing ...everyone said they are awesome. The name of the band is "Heaven's to Betsy."
they all worked hard...it was soooo hot.
but each night after worship service they got to play hard too.....
apparently, they were well fed...
Everyone came home exhausted....but happy they helped those in need....and eager for next year's WOC!