of course....Suki was only too happy to help.......
but LOOK what I caught that stinker with!
One of my mushroom ornies I'd made!
So......I took it away from her....and here she is STARING lovingly at it....she keeps STEALING it!
I guess I'll have to make her one with catnip stuffed inside.
My cat is always obsessed with my pin cushions. I am just scared he is going to get a pin in his mouth!!!
hahahahahah. That look is kind of evil if you ask me!Ü.Idefintely agree she needs one.Lol
Good idea! That's what I was going to suggest ;-) What a pretty cat!
You know how cats like yarn and such? Well, my apartment is full of boxes of yarn, some of which is sticking out, especially when I have been digging, looking for a certain color...well, I have to give my cat credit for not messing with my yarn...and that's why I've not knitted her a mouse because I'm afraid she won't be able to differentiate between "her" yarn and mine ;-)
love your apron :D
very creative! I love your kitty too!
Lovely apron (I wish such fabric was available here!) and lovely cat (that hungry look for the mushroom...).
Love your apron - aprons are a weakeness for me. I do not have a Thanksgiving one - guess I better do as you did - make one!!
Aw, Suki is so cute and quite the curious little kitty.
I think a catnip mushroom will do just the trick.
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