Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For me!

Other than ornaments, I am really bad about making things for myself. So for this last weekend of the After Christmas Sew Along, I decided to make this new tote bag for myself.

here is a peek inside so you can see the lining and pockets (I made an extra one)

and key fob....which I've already used.

I am really pleased at how well it turned out....the best part is that I had the fabrics in my stash! I couldn't believe my luck that the two matched so well.

I used the "All In 1 Tote" pattern out of this book...Simple Sewing

here is what the tote looks like in the book

Since I didn't use a canvas or duck type fabric, I bought a really stiff, thick interfacing. Then made another liner layer and sandwiched it between the exterior of the bag and the lining. I thought that would be easier in the long run.
The only thing I had to do differently was shave a bit off the size of the lining to accommodate the thick interfacing. I just did a 1/2 seam allowance instead of 1/4....easy peasy!


Zoë said...

I think that your is so much cuter then the one in the book. Good for you, making something for you is ALWAYS important!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Easy peasy because you know what you are doing. My mom sewed clothes for me when I was little, but I don't once remember her offering to teach me how to sew. I learned to crochet from my cousin when I was about 20. And to cross-stitch from a lady I worked for in high school. After all these years, I am certainly thankful to those teachers. What would I do without crafting? :) Hope you are having a great week. Tammy

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Val
The bag is GORGEOUS. I adore the fabric. You are so clever.

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

Love it!! And your bag for sure is much cuter :)

jillytacy said...

It's awesome! the fabrics look great together.

Kerry said...

I love that tote - the fabric you used is lovely Val:-)
Stash projects are the best ...... a little bit of something for nothing:-)

annemarie said...

Great job - love your fabric choices.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Awesome! I haven't sewed anything for the After Christmas Sew Along yet...good grief!

UK lass in US said...

Such a cute bag (I'm ignoring your post about Christmas making... I'm not ready for that sort of crazy talk yet: I felt proud of myself when I started preparing for Christmas at the end of November last year. I think that's probably about my limit if I am to stay true to my procrastintor self)

Unknown said...

I love it....especially the fabric you used...I like it way better than the one in the book. if I meet the author, I will tell her that.

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