Monday, May 9, 2011

Mosaic Monday

I made this stepping stone last week to put in front of our gate to the back yard.

But I remembered I had a table base in the garage and noticed it was the same size so painted it.
I think it makes a pretty little table, the perfect size for a plant and a cold drink or two.

a close up of the edge

so here it will stay for awhile...


Lindsay-ann said...

Hi val
It's so pretty. You are so very talented with your mosaics. Fancy tiling my bathroom for me?

Denise said...

Very lovely! I haven't ever tried to mosaic anything but it sure looks fun!

Zoë said...

OK I want you to do a class for us in Mosaic! I sooo want to do them, but do not even know where to start and you make the most wonderful ones!!!

Wanta come and visit the great cold north.... I will cook for you and you can teach me:) (begging)

jillytacy said...

It's so beautiful! I love your mosaics. It works beautifully as the top to the table!

Rhonda said...

You are soooooo talented. What a beautiful mosaic!

Kerry said...

I love that:-)
ok, you've inspired me, i've had a birdbath laid out with my tile design for over a year now, but actually doing the adhesive and grouting part scares me!!! Time to jump in and get it done:-)

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

What a happy find! It looks like it was meant to be a table.

Mary Lea said...

Wow! This is gorgeous...You certainly are one talented gal!

Solidia said...

Val, another beauty! I agree, a class would be fun!!

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