But....I couldn't resist...I just had to show you some of the lovelies we've been seeing lately.
Here are some of the hummingbirds that have been flitting about. We've seen several females and males. I'd love to find their nesting area but hummingbirds have such teensy weensy nests, its hard to see them.
And here is one of the red headed woodpeckers that sits on our fence during his 'work break' on the dead tree which is four yards over...we have a pair that visit. I'm hoping that they are a nesting pair.
and the other one..I think!
and this little tree frog jumped off our ferns the other night while I was watering them...we have a TON of them this year which is a really good sign!
This one is quite fat! Most are sort of skinny.
We've seen several toads, a few baby garter snakes (which totally freaked the neighbor out...) and loads of other gardeny types lurking about. I just love em! As for yard 'pests'....not seen as many of them since these guys have been hanging about!