After my sisters came for a visit, Dean and I decided to rework our yard. I was embarrassed because we ALWAYS have a pretty yard but had just let it go this last year. The grass here is so tough, it just takes over everything, including the beds. Plus, everything we planted did so well that it became overgrown. (Click on the photos to enlarge)
We put the deer grass on the left by the garage, it has lovely pink flags in fall and will look lovely, it can get as big as it wants to and won't be in the way.
I brought the birdbath I did in front for a pop of color.
We cut back, divided and replanted our roses. I pulled up some other plants and moved them to the back where I'll replant them later this week.
Benjamen Bunny was moved up front from the backyard. He was a gift from my sisters years ago when we lived in Fort Worth. They also gave me a rooster, Chanticleer, but he is staying in the back'll meet him later.
Dean put our bench in this bed to get it out of the way while we were working but the kids insisted it stay here, saying they'll use it when waiting for the bus. I think Matt just wanted it off the grass so he won't have to move it when mowing!
On the porch, I recovered the bistro chairs. Sadly, the fabric I used two years ago was discontinued so I used this one instead.You can't tell by the photos, but it ties in really well with the roses planted right by the porch.
This weekend we are prepped to finish the backyard...and then we are done!
This month for Make It Monthly, I made a "Pass The Piggies" game set. It turned out SO cute!
If you are interested in making your own set, here is the link to the free pattern by Roman Sock. Just a note about the piggies.I used a pattern by June at Planet Juneand I made the ears a little differently from her pattern) I'm not sure this game will actually LEAVE our house.....I may have to make another set!
Since I was making piggies, I also made this cutie for May's toy drop and dropped it outside the mall on a bench earlier in the week.
The last couple of months have been really busy. We've had several end of school activities and inductions to attend for both kids. I spent a lot of down time after work in the car waiting for them but I spent that time reading. I didn't have much time to create any large projects but did manage a few small ones.
I made two crocheted cell phone coversfor some teacher friends of mine
and a coffee cozy....
I'm hoping this summer I'll have enough time to do at least one large project....maybe this starling bag from Future Girl?
The last couple of weekends, we've been working in our front yard. Everything we planted 5 years ago has overgrown the space we put them in and it was time to divide things and rearrange our plantings in general. So far, it looks really good but has left me little time or energy for any crafting or posting.
When I was rummaging around for garden stuff, I decided that Frank and Rosie Potter had lived on a shelf way too long and put them out on the fence with Guido.I made them several years ago when I was still doing art/craft shows. (click on the photo to enlarge for better viewing)
Happily, squirrels don't eat monkey grass so my little trio is safe from being scalped.
We used to a have a beautiful cherub birdbath that we moved from place to place with us. Over the years, it got knocked around so much that we gave it away when we moved here. Dean was relieved...that thing weighed about 300 pounds.
Once we got settled in, we both regretted it... (don't you ALWAYS!) and have been looking for something to replace it ever since.
Lucky for me, when my sisters were here a few weeks ago, I found this...
Isn't she perfect?And best of all, she only weighs about 50 pounds.
Now we just need to finish this corner of the yard to show her off properly...
One of my favorite things I did for our yard in Fort Worth was a little chair filled with thyme. I had knocked the seat out and used chicken wire and moss to create a sweet little garden. I decided to do the same thing again here.
I have been looking for about 3 years for a cheap old ladder back or ice cream no avail. We are close enough to New Orleans that anything old is automatically labeled "antique" and I was NOT about to pay 30 bucks for a chair I planned to demolish. Sorry, I'm cheap that way.
Anyway, my sister (thank you!) gave me this sweet little chair.
I tore out the caning, painted it and gave it a couple coats of polyurethane....and now looks like this...
I used a coconut liner this time around instead of chicken wire because the wire kept sticking me.If it doesn't hold up, I'll redo it next year.
It has verbena, ivy, creeping fig and purple oxalis in it. I can't wait for everything to fill in. I know it is going to look amazing in this little niche. I just need to relocate the ladybug house now....maybe.
once the Morning Glory took over during the summer....
Dean and I always have had a nice, large veggie and cutting garden....until we moved here. Our backyard is fairly narrow so we could never decide how we wanted to put one in ...without taking up the whole yard. Having two dogs, we really needed to have a yard for them too. That being said, we never got around to making one and the last several years, I've had my veggies in pots on the patio.
But then this man....
and this younger man...
Built me a simple space that is perfect for me. They put it together in a couple of hours on Saturday after they played golf. It is small, only 20 feet long by 2 feet wide, but I'm very pleased with it. I can't wait 'til fall when I can plant my lettuce and argula in it instead of a pot!
Once finished, we planted it with veggies I already had in pots on the back now we have our patio back. Right now we have tomatoes, basil, cilantro and red bells in it. I've seeded the length of it with nasturtiums...cannot wait for those to grow. After they finished it, Dean stepped back and decided he wants to do a few more things using this basic box. Whatever he decides, I know it will be perfect and I'll be happy planting away in it.
"Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. " ~Author Unknown