Our backyard is fairly narrow so we could never decide how we wanted to put one in ...without taking up the whole yard. Having two dogs, we really needed to have a yard for them too.
That being said, we never got around to making one and the last several years, I've had my veggies in pots on the patio.
But then this man....
and this younger man...
They put it together in a couple of hours on Saturday after they played golf. It is small, only 20 feet long by 2 feet wide, but I'm very pleased with it. I can't wait 'til fall when I can plant my lettuce and argula in it instead of a pot!
Once finished, we planted it with veggies I already had in pots on the back patio...so now we have our patio back.
Right now we have tomatoes, basil, cilantro and red bells in it.
I've seeded the length of it with nasturtiums...cannot wait for those to grow.
After they finished it, Dean stepped back and decided he wants to do a few more things using this basic box. Whatever he decides, I know it will be perfect and I'll be happy planting away in it.
"Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. "
~Author Unknown
Hi Val, Your veggie garden looks perfect. We have the same problem here with lack of space. My parents had a really big area for veggies and fruit. It was such fun picking raspberries out there in the summer. I have strawberries and tomatoes in pots and that's about it.
Where there's a will, there's a way. People have rooftop gardens with all kinds of vegges that thrive. Wish we had a better climate for such things as I would definitely have more on planted on my balcony. Your garden looks great. Best wishes, Tammy
I love it! I need one of those. Or maybe two.
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