On a lovely day this past weekend, a beautiful little doll named Sunny arrived from Thimbleprim Studios. (I was the lucky recipient of Sunny, through a giveaway hosted by Cindy.)
She was made with care and arrived packed just as carefully...with obvious love.
I showed Sunny around so she might feel at ease with her new family. After all, we have 4 pets that prowl the house and they can be quite disconcerting to small folk.
She liked being in the dining room....but said she would rather be out with us than tucked away within the safety of the china hutch.
She enjoyed visiting the fairies at their home....but she felt their nocturnal activities would keep her up too late.
She loved the small herb garden, especially the thyme. However, we both agreed that with no shelter this simply wasn't the best option for her.
She had a wonderful chat with a few of the local cherubs...but decided they were much too flirty to live with....I mean, REALLY what would people think? (She has heard rumors about a young lady living with 7 dwarfs and is simply ALARMED at the thought!!!)
Here they are gathering grapes to feed her!
Sunny really liked the new birdhouse....but once outside, it will be inhabited by birds. (They can be quite messy, you know.)
She seemed most happy here amongst the mushrooms......so here she will stay...
Thank you Cindy. Sunny is perfectly exquisite and I adore her!
To anyone new to Cindy and Thimbleprim Studios, click here to go to her blog...she also has an etsy shop for anyone interested. Oh, and go here for her blog store...
Oh how lovely. I am going over to Cindy's etsy shop right now!
Good morning Val :)
Thimbleprim is the MOST adorable name ever!
Val- Sunny is precious!!! She looks like she has made friends with the little hedgehog already.:) I will go and check out Cindy's shop- so sweet! Lori
she is very pretty!
You tremendous sweetheart!! I LOVE this post about Sunny in her new home. I am so glad you like her.
Do you think I should make some dolls like Sunny to put in my etsy shop?
Lots of love and hugs from,
Sunny is beautiful! Cindy did a fabulous job--her face is exquisite. (Your story is very entertaining, too!)
What a sweet little dolly Sunny is......with the way she's traveling about your home....she reminds my of "Flat Stanley".......LOL
Take care.
Oh you are so LUCKY to have Sunny.
She is just beautiful...like all of Cindy's dolls, animals, creatures.
Cindy made me a special doll and I cherish it. Like you I take her for visits to various parts of my home BUT I always return her to the glass cabinet at night and whenever my grandbabies come.
Aww, Sunny is so lucky to have such a sweet home and new Mommy.
Is that a new profile pic or am I just slow? Lookin good!
What a sweet Miss. I am sure she will be perfectly happy in your home.
she is a doll...I love her by the mushrooms...I think she likes them too!
Lucky you, what a beautiful doll! It looks like she's settling in and is very happy! I hope Leo is good to her.
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