Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Flirty Apron Swap

I was in my last apron swap of 2009 through Shawnee's blog.

I had such fun coming up with this apron for my partner. She liked classic Christmas colors and decorations......I love this fabric.

I was so busy that I forgot to take photos of the completed swap package....but trust me, it was a good one!
I included a scarf I'd made and some other goodies for her.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I was in Margy's mushroom swap awhile back.
There were only 3 of us so we all swapped with one another.

We had to send 3 little mushrooms and make 1 of them.
Here is what I sent...the sandwich and pastry cutters were a surprise for Margy.

a light switch cover...

cupcake toppers and tags

a cute charm

and a giant bookmark off etsy!

I also included to each one of the ladies these cuties I've posted a tutorial on here:
1 mushroom pin cushion, 1 mushroom pencil topper and 1 mini mushroom stamper.

I included these candies for Katie since she was reading the Twilight trilogy!!!

Here is what Margy sent me in return! I love the pot holder...can always use another one of those...and another crocheted mushroom! Cute!

Margy made ME a pencil topper too! She used fimo....I have gotta try that one day.

look at these cute clothespins she painted! I'm using them with my Christmas card cute!

I adore this pillow and have it on my Christmas tree, along with the amigurumi mushroom

sorry it is blurry...but look at the teeny charm....and red/white twine!

and this is what Katy sent me...

3 pencils, a mushroom push pin (on the cork)

close up of another little pin

garden clothes pins....

a cute potholder!

I love everything, thank you ladies!!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Thank you all for visiting this past year.....

May God Bless you, your family and home, now and in the coming year.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Just baking away while waiting on Santa! I've still got fudge to make..and Reindeer Food too!

Tonight, we are off to another Christmas play and musical at church, then maybe to see some Christmas lights if the weather holds.

So, enjoy a cookie:

and for those that haven't seen it yet, sit back and watch our Christmas slide......we'll see you later!

Turn on your volume or you'll miss the music!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Monday I was working on some curtains, cleaning house, doing know...FUN STUFF....

Well, imagine my surprise when the mail man brought me TWO SURPRISE GIFTS in the mail!

First, Mary sent me this GORGEOUS Santa apron! I had won it in a contest she had...but in the frenzy of the season, I totally forgot about it!

She also included 2 yummy recipes....I'll be trying them both.

Then, Ramie sent me a cute hedgie, some friendship tea and chocolate!

I carried Huey around last night....both the cats and dogs were a bit TOO interested in him.

Here Huey is, all nestled into our tree...he won't be staying there though....He will be with ME today after I'm done baking.

Ladies, thank you both SO much!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A frog plague, toy drops and crafty stuff....


a plague of frogs!!!

oh wait, they're just origami frogs...WHEW!

Okay, so here is why I made those frogs....

I work with 9 teachers and wanted to do something for them the administration extras. That can get EXPENSIVE.

So, I came up with this idea for the teachers:
I made some little loaves of pumpkin bread and put it in a large cup with a frog and label.

They all cracked up when the realized the dollar bills (to buy their coffee with) were origami 'frogs.' They loved it even more when I showed them how to make the frog 'jump.'

I also made each teacher a jar of bath salts....a nice way to end a hectic day!

Now on to the crafty stuff.....
I made these clothespins to hold my Christmas cards....

Here is my Christmas card garland...that is slowly growing....
I must move it to a new location next year.

And here are 2 Toy Society drops I did for Christmas this year!

I doubled the size of my 'meece' pattern and then stuffed it (without catnip!) and added a little Christmas scarf.

We dropped him off at a local emergency room late Saturday night after going to "A Time For Christmas."
(The musical was AWESOME! It was at City Church in New Orleans. Click here to see the teaser on facebook.)

Then Sunday, after church, we dropped this little hootie off at a restaurant in Mandeville.

I'm still crafting along.....

How about you? Are you gettin' your craft on?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday

Welcome to another Vintage Christmas installment!

Here is a lovely ornament my sister gave me.

I love grapes! Isn't it lovely...

Here are some teensy iron Amish folk.
They are about 46 or so years old.
My mom gave them to me while we were living in Pennsylvania. W
e've used them every Christmas since!

Although he is small, this nutcracker is one of my favorites!

I got him for Christmas when we lived in Germany.

We USED him and ALL our other, larger nutcrackers to crack nuts (imagine that!)
Over the years though, one by one of these sweet fellows broke from use. I stopped using this one YEARS ago and now we just put him out as a decoration.

My mom got these in Italy when we lived in Germany in the 60's.

I always loved them so she gave them to me for Christmas
last year.
They are quite heavy.

And this Joan Walsh Anglund!
Do any of you remember her!?

This was my sister's book...given to her in 1970.

She gave it to me last year while going through a box of books.
I was so happy to receive it!

look at these sweet illustrations...

such simple, beautiful work....

And here is one last reminder of my childhood in Germany!

My adored sled.

Believe it or not, this was my sled I got in 1967. (We actually USED this sled in Fort Worth when it snowed in 2005! We had to really wax it though!!)

and look! My old address!

I've used this as a decoration each year.

When we lived in an apartment, I would put a small real tree on it.
Then, for several years, I put it the front porch.
One day someone mentioned that they couldn't believe it hadn't been stolen.
So, now, we put it under the tree with a tub full of Christmas books we've collected over the years.
I remember going down MANY hills on this sled...

To see more vintage posts, click on the Red Door badge on my sidebar!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Trading "Post..."

While living in Fort Worth, I belonged to a group of ladies who did home shows to sell their artsy/craftsy wares. We got together about 4-5 times a year for our sale.

Then after the show, we would TRADE STUFF! Oh my gosh, that was more fun than the 'selling of the stuff!!!!'

I haven't done that since moving to Louisiana....just haven't found a group...yet....but still hoping to. However, I was lucky enough to do a little trading for goodies this year.

I have some blogville friends who wanted to trade for some of my crocheted huggers for themselves and as gifts.

I was happy to oblige and in return, I got some lovelies myself.

First, I got this gorgeous necklace.
It was made by Lori....she has an etsy shop. You ought to go visit her store sometime.

Then, Jenny sent me a bountiful of things.
She owns an antique store and just spoiled me!

Check out this cute vintage toadstool wreath!!!! (yes, I SQUEALED!)

some patterns, vintage rickrack, ribbon, buttons, chocolate (which the kids snatched up...)

here is a close up of the cute cupcake toppers and teensy ornaments!

look at this adorable poinsettia basket...can you believe it is plastic?!

and this paper a Putz! I love these houses...I think I sense a new collection coming on.....yikes!

To top it all off, this gorgeous hostess apron.......just lovely!

Thank you ladies.....we can trade 'stuff' ANYTIME!