Thursday, May 22, 2014

Crochet for twins!

A friend of mine is having twins...VERY soon!

I made her some little things awhile ago (click here to see them) but had to stop the creating process because I ended up with a bad case of poison ivy while I was weeding.  Yay, me.   

It lasted a MONTH y'all!    As soon as I thought things were better, the dried up patches would start itching and swell up again.  Then I'd have to start back up with the vinegar and benadryl cream.  That prescription steroid cream my doctor gave me?  Meh...didn't do a THANG....I'm lucky like that.

In any event, the second my blisters dried up for REALS, I grabbed my yarn and hook and started creating.  It was a FLURRY of yarn around here because I had to make two of both things.

Amy had a pin of two hats that were for sale on etsy.  The original hats were knit and I'm not that good yet.  Instead, I used a couple different crochet patterns (1 free and 1 purchased so I can't share) and morphed them together to get these.  Similar and so cute!  I used "I Love This Yarn" for the hats so they would have a little umpf to them and stand up.

Then I made her two little photo prop/stroller sized receiving blankets to go with the hats.  I used Yarn Bee Effervesce baby yarn for the blankets for softness.
I got the pattern from lacy crochet here but adjusted the pattern to make it much smaller.  I also used two strands held together and worked a different edge.  The blankets turned out so soft and squishy.  I was planning on edging the entire thing with short fringe but decided against it at the last minute.  

 BTW, The color actually matches the hats.   I took the photos at different times because of my ongoing love affair with poison ivy and had already wrapped the hats before making the blankets. 

Her twins are going to be soooo cute in their little photo.  I am hoping she will let me share their photo here once taken.


  1. Really cute hats and blankies. And yayy for the little twins. I know you were busy with those projects. I had to make 2 of every thing - 2 blanket/bootie/bonnet sets, 2 quilts, 2 burp cloths sets, and more for my 2 little ones a while back who were 6 weeks apart. But I know you enjoyed doing it.

  2. Adorable .... you make me want to have twins :-)
    LOVE the little hats .... can just imagine those sweet little baby faces, with their little hats on ..... oh, I'm having a broody moment :-)
    Glad the poison ivy itch is over .... Richard has it all over his arms at the moment ..... not fun !!!!

  3. Oh, those hats are adorable. And I'm so glad my pattern for the blanket was useful. All the best to your friend and her little ones.
    Sorry to hear about your accident with poison ivy, but glad to know is over now.

  4. Very adorable hats and cute and comfy blanket.. glad that your itches are over.. have a great day!


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