Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ready for a break...

The kids are both ready for a break from school.....and by the looks of it Matt needs knee pads!


  1. Those poor kids, they do look like they need a break. I noticed Matt's knees right away. That's how my kid's knees always looked too. It a sign that he has been having fun, or he is clumsy lol. With my kids it was a bit of both.

    Are they on Spring Break next week? Good Friday starts Spring Break down here.

  2. ayem i have those same socks as Curly Girl and I do enjoy a good cheese it - great minds think a like.

  3. We are on break now and the kids are loving it. BTW I think that we have the same sofa. Maybe I knew this not sure.

  4. Are they on spring break next week? We are!!! I hope they get some much needed rest and the chance to have lots of fun!


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