Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Flashback!

Oh my goodness how I used to LOVE Saturday mornings.

gotta love the oldies but goodies....

Remember this one?


  1. I loved it. Today it would be politically incorrect because of violence...go figure!

  2. it was one at 6:30 on a saturday morning when i was in elementary school and my brothers and i were up every saturday to watch. some morning, daddy was right there with us, wriapped up in blankets on the sofa. what an incredibly wonderful memory!!

  3. I use to love Saturday morning cartoons when I was a kid. To be honest, even now all these years later, when I hear classical music I can close my eyes and picture what Bugs Bunny would be doing to the music.
    By the way Road Runner has gotten some computer animation recently. I've seen a few shorts before kids movies lately, so they're still around.

  4. Val I needed this Thank you for the moment to laugh out loud.


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