Thursday, October 30, 2008

BOO TO YOU and a drum roll......

I've been BOO'ED!!!!!!
Yeah! Lori and Marcel and CathyJean all boo'ed me and now I'm booing YOU.
If you'd like to join in the fun, take the little picture and put it on your blog and pay it forward! Have fun!
Thanks Ladies!!!

Now off the the Hot Mama drawing....the winner is.......... KATHY H. Yeah!!!!

Congratulations Kathy....I already have your address so I'll send your prize out this week!

To everyone else, thank you for getting those aprons out on time! Please keep checking back here for little updates.

Also.......for a sneak peek. I already have the next Hot Mama theme.....coming in Spring of '09...FIESTA!!!!!! Ole'


  1. The Spring SWAP sounds like fun - I can't wait.

  2. Thanks Val, can't wait to get the apron/recipe holder. Thank you for hosting the swap.

  3. OOooh! Fiesta sounds fun! I might have to jump in on that one;)

  4. The spring swap sounds like fun!


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