Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another good book swap.....

Ripstick Boy's swap box arrived last Thursday!

Jill picked Ripstick Boy to be her class's partner for One Good Book Swap.
But look at this...they even decorated the outside of the box!

This cool eye was right next to the address label.

He was sooooooo excited that he couldn't stand it.

Here he is with Brisingr.......

He has been DYING to buy this book with his own money and I kept making up excuses to put off buying it. He was REALLY getting suspicious.
When he saw the book in the box he said 'YOU KNEW ALL ALONG!"

He took the book with him Friday to school. He will have it finished by Saturday, I'm sure!

Here he is with one of Jill's favorite series called The Dragonriders of Pern.

I had to take a bunch of photos....quickly, as he was ripping through the box like a hurricane!

Here is a photo of the rest of all the goodies....actually there is more.....I didn't even SEE the dragon mask and other activites they sent until after I took the photos! He had ripped through them so fast that my head was spinning!
I love the book marks....especially the one that says:

"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

They gave him two of those....he took one to school already.

You can see what WE gave Jill's class here.

Jill, a huge thank you to you and your class. This swap really made Ripstick Boy's day!


  1. What an excellent idea! Your son looks so excited. Do you mind if I pass this idea on to my teacher friend? It's a great way to get kids reading and chatting about books in general.

  2. The kids are going to be so excited to see this posted! They loved participating in the book swap!
    I'm glad Ripstick Boy liked the package. I'm sad to say I still haven't even cracked the cover of my copy of Brisingr. Hopefully I can read it next time I'm on school vacation.

  3. What a fabulous package! So fun

    Val- You have been boo'ed by ME! (Who cares about your neighbors!) Stop by and check it out!:) Lori


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