Thursday, January 30, 2014

felt eyeglass cozie

I am joining in a craftbook sew along this year.  The purpose is simple, USE all those craft books you have hanging around.

So, first I gathered my craft books....not all of them, some of them.  Each time I took a photo, I remembered where more books were stashed.  Okay, so maybe I have a hoarding problem.  Let's just say this is a good representative of the books I have.

Then I made myself a cup of this....

Then I picked out this cute I'd bought years ago to make gifts from (hahaha, riiiight)

and since I joined the challenge Wednesday, I picked this out to make...something quick to do since school was closed due to weather...

I just eyeballed everything and used what I had on hand....and since I'm on a green and purple kick, here is how mine turned out.

The colors are better than this but all my photos are suckish so this'll have to do.  It took me longer than I anticipated but I did some reinforcing and additional things not called for in the instructions.   And the fact that I "lost" my glasses while setting the button hole....yes, they were IN the case...yea, that didn't help.

Oh, and just in case y'all are wondering if I'm into embroidery...

the answer is no....too much fiddly thread...which is why I quit cross stitching a zillion years ago.
Happy Friday!!!!


  1. They turned out very nice :-) I have loads of craft books, too, and never do anything with them. Have a great day.

  2. Love your eyeglass cozie. Very sweet colors!

  3. What a great project, I love working with felt and wool. I think I'd be afraid to take on the craft book challenge. I do have craft books but more so I've horded online tutorials and craft PDFs over the years. And don't even get me started on my Pinterest pins.


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