Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Guido's New 'Do

The squirrels keep eating Guido's hair. Horrible. And with a name like Guido, you think he could defend himself.
Instead, he just sits on the fence and puts up with it. What is worse is that the squirrels actually sit on his head in order to eat his hair!

I decided to help him out so I got some asparagus fern with those ouchy little thorns. Those furry little critters are going to get a surprise when they try to snack on THIS new 'do!

The best part is that I think he looks rather spiffy.


  1. That should do the trick. Guido looks great!!!

  2. He looks great! I have an asparagus fern at school but I'm not sure how best to take care of it. Do they need a lot of water and light? Mine keeps yellowing on the ends. My classroom is hot and dry, so I'm thinking that might be the problem. Any advice.

  3. Ha! Poor Guido. I need houseplants with thorny leaves so that Jingles will stop eating them. :) Have a great weekend. Tammy


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