Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Off he goes.....

Matt left for Scotland today....for 6 months.   He is doing his study abroad and is super excited.

I took the day off to take him to the airport with Dean.  I keeping a "stiff upper lip...." but I'm a wreck.  

I know he will be fine, I know he will be fine, I know he will be fine, I know he will be fine.  



  1. He's going to be fine! What a great opportunity for him!

  2. He will be fine. And in 6 months when he's back you'll be fine and you'll be glad he went and you'll be glad you kept a stiff upper lip for 6 months. I know it's hard.

  3. It's an awesome experience for him ..... he will be more than fine. It doesn't make it easier on you though, I know. You've raised a great young man .... and because of that, he's able to do this.
    Sending tons of love and hugs


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