Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Glasgow walkabout....

I thought it would be nice to share some photos Matt has sent to me via phone.    This first set was taken in and around his campus as he walked everywhere.   I don't really know much else...just thought they were lovely. 

Especially love this selfie as he was excited to finally be able to wear his "cold weather" clothing!

He went on a walking tour of Glasgow the first week there.  He sent me loads of photos but it most photos were taken from a distance using a cell phone so I just posted a few.

Now, THIS is a fountain y'all!  Yes, please!!!!

So far, this is my favorite...I love the green roof!

Oh, and a walking tour included pubs so here is his first "legal" beer.  Drinking age is 18 over there.  Lucky boy!

I asked him to go into a yarn store and get me some soft yarn.   He laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed....and.....then told me I'd have to come over and get THAT myself!


  1. Looks like he's having an amazing time .....
    When do you leave to go get that yarn ...... :-)

  2. Nice! Love seeing Scotland thru the eyes of Matt.

  3. I think you should jump on the plane to get that uarn. I'll go with you!


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