Friday, December 11, 2015

Missing Leonardo Da Kitty

This time of year has us jumping.....

Our annual donation to the pet shelter.   I managed to make  25 beds again.  It was a busy few months, crocheting and sewing them. (see, told ya I was doing stuff!)

Leo went missing the day we dropped off our donation.  Here he is in the last photo I took of him.  Look how handsome.  He was a mellowed out guy by this age.

We it was risky, allowing him to become and indoor/outdoor cat.  But he was a miserable indoor kitty....stress related health issues and basically unhappy.  We almost put him down he was so sickly.  
I guess the trade off of him being happy and healthy for close to 9 years outweighs the sadness I feel now.
The not knowing is tough.  Even Osa still looks for him.  


  1. Aww, Val I'm so sad for you that Leo has gone :-( Sending big hugs and a cuddle for Osa too,


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