Monday, August 24, 2015

Osa's dog days of summer

She jumped up next to me to snuggle while I was watching a documentary on polar bears.....she watched the whole thing!

playing mountain goat again....she loves/hates to do this.  She does this when she can't decide which chair to nap in!

She happily ran into the house after rolling in cat poo.  She jumped up on the couch anticipating a scratch, instead....she got a bath!  I literally said "What is this crap on Osa's side?" and then said "Oh, it IS crap on Osa's side!"

meeting Thorgi on the stairs...

greeting me as I walked in the door from my first day back to work!

and happily collapsing on the floor after a 3 and a half hour morning with Dean and I.  We went to the dog park, the farmer's market and PetSmart.  She had a blast.

Just look at that pretty rump!

                                                                        The End!


  1. She is one busy Corgi! :) Still kills me that she climbs stuff and gets on ledges, as if she is a teeny thing. Ha!

  2. Looks as though she's keeping busy! She's so sweet :-)

  3. Awww, she is just adorable! Please give her a big cuddle and tummy tickle from me 😊 xx


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