I am WAY behind on making pet beds for the local animal shelter so last week I grabbed a giant hook and started making them.
Leo snuggled in for an afternoon nap. Not thrilled that I disturbed him, but he did like the chin scratch.
Suki napping inside my crochet bag.....she loves Aunt Lydia's rug yarn!
One of the finished beds, she claimed it...good thing I made more....
Each November, I deliver about 25 pet beds to the shelter, along with food and other supplies. Given that I only crocheted THREE, I have a ways to go. I may be sewing the rest this year!
I'm glad to see you are crocheting. I should make a few and take them to the shelter to see if they would like them. This is my last year at school. Next year I will devote myself to volunteer work and projects. :) Hugs, Tammy