I also made a really tasty pasta. I tried the basic recipe from something I saw on pinterest but added mushies and sun dried tomatoes. I also added one of my basil/olive oil cubes. Oh my gosh, it was so good, I made the same thing twice in one week. Here is the link to get the recipe. The best part is this lady's blog is terrific. I love her little cartoons!
I used a new yarn joining technique I found on....no way, pinterest! Anyway, it is easy and makes smooth transitions.... Here is the link.
I also got another surprise in the mail!!!! Jill sent me a little goodie for my birthday! The owl chime and gloves were the first to be put to use!
The turtle is a thrifted wooden toy she re-purposed into a pincushion. Too cute! She also zen-tangled the box and made me those robot bookmarks. I adore bookmarks. The one reason I don't use a tablet to read is because I love bookmarks so much!
Thank you Jill!
Awesome gifts! Happy birthday! Wish I could be there to toast you! :) Cheers! Tammy