Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A creepy cute surprise!

I love surprises.  

Monday the UPS guy knocked on the door and when I answered there was a box on the step.

I thought it was for Dean or Matt...both have been getting shoes online...they use those comparison apps ALL the time and zap skus in the store and then find them online for a better price.

Anyhoo......instead, the box was for me!  And lookie what was inside:

A zombie doll to add to my collection!   Chris sent it "just because" and totally made my day....after all, I love me some zombie dolls!  She included a little owl ornament and a birdie and bookmark.   

Look at her shoe on and one shoe off in true zombie fashion.  Zombies don't need no stinking shoes!  That being said, this little girl lost one shoe and didn't go look for it.  all the better to see her dirty little foot!

Oh my goodness, totally creepy cuteness! Thank you SO much Chris!


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