Friday, February 21, 2014

Mardi Gras door!

Living in Louisiana means picking and choosing which holidays to decorate for.   I love to put up the few Valentine's things I have but the very next day, it all came down.   If it, I would have been in trouble.  They take Mardi Gras seriously around here y'all!

So my front door went from red and hearts to Mardi Gras in a couple hours...and I love it!

By day...

By night....

and my favorite part?

Looking up into this.....

Amazing what something so simple as netting, beads and fairy light can create....
As for the neighbors, I'm safe now that I've joined the leagues of the Mardi Gras decorated houses!


  1. Love, Love, Love it ..... especially the night time view, looking up :-)

  2. Had no idea that anyone decorated for Mardi Gras. I must live under a rock!

    It looks beautiful, especially at night. Very festive!


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