Wednesday, January 8, 2014

a little garden....

The little lettuce garden we planted in the fall has proven to be just what we needed....

Just look at this lovely salad.  Everything green came from our little garden!

Topped with some grilled chicken and we had dinner!

 We had some basil cheese bread on the side using some of my basil butter....delicious.  A garden is the gift that keeps on giving!


  1. Yummy !!!
    It truly is so satisfying to be able to grow what you eat ..... only a few more months and then I can get planting again :-)
    Big Hugs

  2. Ooh, that does all look very yummy!

  3. So happy to hear that your garden is doing so well. I have green tomatoes. They sure are taking their time turning red. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  4. Looks delicious! Wish I had some goodies growing in the garden.:) Lori


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