Monday, November 4, 2013

crochet wristwarmers

I made myself a pair of pretty wristwarmers.   

A friend of mine was making a pair for herself and I just fell in love with them!    I am notoriously lazy so I hate dealing with patterns.  But these were worth the effort of following one.  I had to learn 2 new stitches but they were easy.  The hardest part was reading the actual pattern!  I managed to make a mistake that I didn't catch so had to repeat the same mistake on the 2nd mitten!

It isn't even cool here yet but I already want another pair!


  1. Love them, Val!

    PS: I am getting frustrated with the word verification -- it's a guessing game for sure... GRRR!

    When I am too frustrated, I don't leave comments, but rest assured that I still liked the post. :)

  2. I have to agree with above comments-I did away with that awhile back-I very rarely get spam and if I do-just delete-they are harmless really-I have not gotton any spam now in over a year. and this word verification is both frustrating and irritating-just my opinion-hugs
    I love fingerless gloves allot-great color choice on yours

  3. ps-you can always choose to approve all comments before they post-so if there should be a spammer you can delete right away before it posts-that would be less irritating for us wanting to comment

  4. Lovely wristwarmers. The colors are super cool :-)

  5. Very lovely .... the colors are so pretty :-)

  6. Very nice! I don't think you're lazy just creative, it makes it harder to follow a pattern when you can just figure it out for yourself.


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