Monday, August 19, 2013

Mosaic Monday

I finished my last two stepping stones and am pleased with how they both turned out.

I love snails....just not in the garden, eating my veggies!   I put this one in a place that gets high "cut through" traffic so it gets used almost daily.

This one is in an area I walk on often when watering the garden and yard.   We don't have automatic sprinklers so I am constantly moving hoses on days that I water. I use these little stepping stones A LOT because they are in a bed right next to the water spigot....and I tend to go barefoot when watering the yard.

Here it is with the toadstool....

and the flowers I see every time I walk by are lovely as well...

 a little closer please.......

My last planned project this summer is for a new table top which I've already drawn out.  I hope to have it done for next Monday's post.


  1. So beautiful!!! I have been doing mosaics for the last week too!!! Funny~~

  2. You've been a busy little crafter! The stepping stones are fun and the flowers are beautiful.
    Chris =]

  3. The stepping stones are lovely. I love that you have your yard decorated with your mosaic art.


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