Friday, July 12, 2013

Toy Society catch up....

The last several years, I've made toys and dropped at least one per month around town, out of town....wherever!  This year, time seemed to fly by and even though I planned on dropping some, I just didn't do it.     I decided to remedy that all in one day. 

Here is a "group" photo....

I planned on dropping them around town while running errands but the sky opened up and it POURED for what seemed like hours.   I hadn't planned for the rain and didn't have plastic bags for the toys.  
Undeterred, I dropped them all in the same medical building where I had an appointment.  (I love dropping toys at the hospital because, let's face it,  people aren't usually thrilled to be there.)

I dropped Mr. Turtle in my examination room, the owls in X-Ray, the 3 toadstools down the hallway on different chairs and Sleepy Kitty in one of the reception areas.   The place was packed with people, young, old and in between so I hope they found good homes!


  1. Do you put tags on them so that people know they are free to take? I wonder if anyone ever thinks that someone left their toy behind? They are cute. I'd like to find that little birdie somewhere. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  2. yes! I do put tags on them but I was doing so many drops at once that I didn't take the time to photograph each one......

  3. Your awesome! I'm sure it made their day. The last toy drop I did was in the meat section at a grocery store.
    Chris =]

  4. I bet they did find good homes...I wish I could snap a picture of someone finding one. How fun! I have always loved that you did this.

  5. I love sleepy kitty! I'm sure these toys made people really happy!


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