Monday, May 13, 2013

What a weekend!

This weekend went by in a flash.  I spent some time sewing new collars for the dogs and then I crocheted around wire hangers (more on that later...) and did mundane things like laundry.  But in between all that, I tried new recipes and had a surprise!

Saturday morning,  Dean and I were watching Pioneer Woman and decided to try her Olive Bread recipe.  
Oh. My. Goodness. it was good.  I love green olives but not black....but I am so glad I didn't change the recipe because it needed the blend.
Anyway, if you like olives and cheese you will love this bread so here is the link to the recipe.

Saturday night, Dean and the kids surprised me with dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants.  It is always good and we can laugh and visit without being afraid of being too loud.   As we were leaving to go, I let the dogs in and noticed THIS guy in the backyard and did a little jig!    

I named him Gimley the Giant Tortoise and promptly planted him with a pretty geranium.

Then late Saturday night we had company arrive,  so Sunday I made something I found on pinterest.  
Everyone at work was raving about it and since we had more to feed, I thought I'd try it.  Everyone liked it and voted it a "keeper" is the link.

I hope everyone had as wonderful a Mother's Day as I did!


  1. Glad to see you were spoiled for Mothers Day ......... you deserve every minute of it :-)
    Your giant tortoise planter is awesome ..... oh my goodness, and the geranium suits him perfectly,
    That recipe is a family favorite for us too ... my Bible Study small group love it too - The dish is always scraped clean when I make it :-)
    Have a lovely week
    Big Hugs

  2. Cute turtle. Glad your weekend was special!

  3. That bread looks AMAZING! Love the turtle. He's adorable. The chicken recipe looks yummy too! What time is dinner???

  4. What a great Mother's day gift. I love Gimley!


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