Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Enjoy the view

We've lived in our house now going on 7 years and it was a dead space when we moved in.  Sometimes I forget how truly pretty our yard is.  We are so used to it now that we overlook the beauty of what we have helped nurture along.  When we landscape, we always plant with purpose and choose what we know will come back yearly on it's own.  Work hard and reap the rewards.....

Each plant has a season and a beauty all it's own....

Sometimes people stop by to say how lovely our yard is and then ask how we "do it".  When we mention that we walk the yard, plan the shape, prep the soil and then "work" their eyes tend to glaze over!   But to us, it isn't a choice.  We are still young enough to work our own space and we really want to.  We enjoy doing the work and then are so satisfied when it all comes together....
Sometimes we move things 2 or 3 times to find the place it is happiest.  Live and learn, right?

Adding to the loveliness are all the little friends we have acquired over the years...

They are tucked, here and there....some in pots, some are pots.  Some are so degraded from age, they are part of the landscape, never to be removed. But all are special.  

Every now and then, you stumble across a surprise like Leo lounging with Bun-Bun.
I forget how he loves to hide here and accidentally interrupted his nap.  He lifted his head up for a moment, and then went back to dreamland.  I love how he prefers to stay in our yard instead of wandering.  He is a much happier cat now that he can go outside some.

At this point, our yard really is on auto pilot but most of the time, I still just see "what needs to be done" in the yard.  But some days, I just tell myself to shut up and enjoy the view!


  1. good morning-all beautiful-hi to kitty too

  2. Your garden is so beautiful Val .... so worth all the hard work it takes :-)

  3. Your garden is absolutely lovely, your hard work is clearly showing results, well done you!
    Thanks for sharing these pics :-)
    Happy Wednesday,

  4. Your cat is just adorable! Our gardens are truly a labor of love and I can see that in your photos. You have a beautiful garden! Thank you for visiting my blog :)

  5. a garden just gets better and better with time!

  6. You have beautiful plants in your yard! It's nice to see Leo again.


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