Monday, May 27, 2013

a walk about

Dean loves to take walks at night.    I don't like walking at night....just too creepy to go walking at 10 or 11 pm for an hour. But  the other day he decided to walk in the morning so I went with him.  I say a walk but it was more like a hike!  He likes to go fast for a little over 4 miles while I like to meander and chat!  I went with him but brought my phone and took a few photos along the way.......

These flowers are a few houses down from us.  The man who lives there has a large yard with an amazing veggie garden.  He always has plenty to share and is the nicest man.  I made him a mosaic last year as a thank you for his generosity...

these little wild things brightened up the walk once we left the neighborhood.....

I love toadstools and this one looks charming, tucked away.

In case you don't know, this is a crawfish hole.  I wonder if anyone is home....?

Crawfish are everywhere here....and their holes pop up a lot right after rain storms.  Sometimes you will see them scurrying back home.  Once they spot you, they put up their little claws and try to look tough.   I think they know they are on the dinner menu in these parts.

I saw several turtles on the edge of a pond but they hit the water before I could snap any photos of them.  Overall it was a lovely walk and warmed us up for a bit of yard work once we got home.


  1. Quite the nature walk. I don't walk at night either unless I am with someone else.

    The flowers are lovely. I like to walk around my neighborhood and take photos of everyone's gardens since I don't have one of my own at the condo. :(

  2. Nightime walks scare me too !!!!
    I never knew that crawfish holes look like that ... dinner at your doorstep:-)
    I love your toadstool pic - looks like it comes straight out of an enchanted fairytale:-)

  3. Wow! I never knew crawfish lived like that. I am blown away. Here we call them crawdads and they look the same but they live in rocky streams and creeks. I love to eat them....yum. so do the holes lead to water or how does that work?


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