Monday, March 18, 2013


A hummingbird scout is in our yard.  He is so dark and plump and happy.....we saw him for the first time Saturday morning....just 1 week after putting up a couple feeders. 

The photo is blurry but who cares!  Just LOOK at his throat!  The green doesn't really show up but that red is unmistakable.

He flitted between the 2 feeders and rested in a tree about 20 feet from them.   He would stay there for 10 minutes at a time, soaking up the sun's rays.  Here he is almost invisible in the branches...until you spot that red.

I always gets a surge of excitement when these little guys are in the yard.  And we usually have lots of them.  
I think it is because years ago I rescued a hummingbird out of an old web in our garage.  It was exhausted from fighting and just covered in silk.  Feet, beak, everything...good thing it was a cobweb and the resident spider had moved out.  I held him and carefully cleaned him up...his little heart drumming in my palm.   
When I took him out to a tree, I cupped him and carefully turned him to face away from me so he wouldn't fly into me in his panic to get away.
I opened my hands but instead of flying off, he turned around in my hand and sat still for a moment.  Then he looked up at my face and  peeped before turning back around and flying off.  
He landed in a tree about 5 feet in front of me so I stood there to see if he was going to be okay.  
Then, he flew back to me and peeped in my face again before he flew over the house across the street.  
I was 22 years old and I've never forgotten that feeling.  It was simply amazing.


  1. cool! we love our hummingbirds here too. they usually begin arriving in april and sometimes a couple of them will hover looking into the bay window-we're here we're here-too cute

  2. What a wonderful story about the hummingbird you rescued.

    When we first moved into our house a hummingbird made a nest right by my kitchen window. I was able to watch it everyday.

    BTW, I made the feather dumplings again and took your advice. They came out better this time.

  3. just read your post about all the bad stuff happening. I'm sooo sorry. And I hate to hear about your job!

    Don't feel bad for venting or airing your dirty laundry. I think people appreciate when they see that others have problems and are real too. Plus, it lets those of us that love you, pray for you!

  4. What a lovely memory! That little hummingbird was so grateful that you saved it. I hope you have many come to visit you very soon. Best wishes, Tammy


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