Monday, March 4, 2013

Dean cooks!

When Dean and I were dating, he would cook for me.   He had this teeny hibachi grill and would cook steaks on it along with broccoli cheese rice or baked potatoes.
Sometimes he would surprise me with an indoor picnic of cheese, crackers and was always such a treat to see what he would come up with.

When we got married, we would cook on the weekends together but once the kids were born, the cooking fell to me.  

Except weekends!

He still loves to cook and each weekend, he takes over kitchen duty for at least 1 day.  It is a little luxury I've become so accustomed to that I never really think about it. (I certainly don't want to take it for granted!)

When Dean cooks, it is always something different....he takes his time, and he doesn't just "grill."   He grills, he bakes, he smokes and best of all, he blends....!


This was chicken, beef and lamb shawarma was so AMAZING we had him make it again the next weekend!

One of his favorite meals to make is smoked salmon on cedar planks.   He always buys extra salmon so I can make smoked salmon dip with the leftovers...(click on the link for the recipe.)

He takes it from this....

to this.... 

and it is SO GOOD!


  1. way to go Dean! Looks yummy. You are one lucky girl :)

  2. Yummy .....
    It's a great treat when they take over the culinary chore :-)

  3. You're lucky! Sam cooked for me when we were dating -- now about the only thing he makes is a salad or fried eggs (and I don't eat the latter). :/ Have a great week. Tammy


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