Tuesday, January 8, 2013

StashBuster Challenge

Every year, I bust me some stash.........but it doesn't seem to do much good.  I always have more....in fact, right now my craft room is truly over flowing.

Let's see what I have right now, why don't we?

yarn in drawers....

yarn in bags...

yarn on the FLOOR...


and more! 

I promise I didn't buy much last year....most I've had awhile and some was given to me  (secret happy dance )
But even with all the crocheted gifts and kitty beds I made last year, I have way more yarn on hand than I need. (or should I say is "healthy...")

Oh well, to help de-stash (again) I have joined Linda  at Linda's Crafty Corner and Ana at Lanas de Ana for their stash busting challenge!


  1. I am so glad you joined us at the Stash-Buster Challenge. We are aiming at diminishing our yarn stashes this year, by encouraging each other, sharing ideas and project links etc. So let´s get our creative juices flowing...
    See you soon!
    ♥ Ana BC

  2. welcome from me too Ana, you have one beautiful stash there I can't believe how neat and organised it is! Looking forward to seeing your creations :)

  3. Glad you joined in. I have yarn coming out my ying yang. Ha! Tammy


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