Since time was a factor, I stuck with my favorite shape for birdbaths, the spiral. It is simple but evokes the feeling of least to me. I also used colors that birds tend to migrate to so I know once found, they will be used.
This wraps up my "make it monthly" for 2012. I haven't decided if I will do it again next year, but I am certainly pleased at how many gifts I finished.
As Christmas looms, it feels good to know that some gifts are snuggled safely in my closet, waiting to be wrapped. Some will be "add-ons" put into a bag as a little extra goodie. Some are the main event, hopefully deemed worthy as a Christmas gift all by itself. Some are for family, some are for friends and co-workers.
From my home to yours......I wish you a wonderful, stress free holiday season.
You've done a great job of getting things done. A little something handmade is all I would need to feel like I'd been given the best gift of all. Happy holidays ! Tammy