Monday, November 12, 2012

soldiering on

The seasons are changing, even in South Louisiana.....the tomatoes and peppers are long gone and the last of the basil has seeded, the trees blooms are long spent....

But I still have 2 beauties who refuse to let go......
This black eyed susan vine is still happy...

her brilliance still lingers.....

and the morning glory vine has been reinvigorated by the spring like weather....although her flowers aren't the dark blue of spring......

but a softer lilac only seen this time of year.  It amazes me that this wild vine can create blooms like this in fall

 and this in spring...the same vine, the only difference is the time of year, truly a striking difference.

the zinnas try and try but the waning sun and lack of truly hot weather is slowly stealing them away from us until next year....I am left with 2 dozen stragglers who refuse to let go.   When they do, I'll harvest their seeds for another beautiful garden next year.

Nature gives to every time and season, some beauty of it's own....
-Charles Dickens


  1. nice. you have such a green thumb!flowers are like people, all have their own personalities. my grandma always had zinnias, very sturdy brilliant flowers.

  2. I love both vines...They are so happy and old fashioned. Val please check out my blog, I have a request......

  3. Lovely! I've seen vines like that growing wild around our walking paths. After our rain the other day, things have cooled off a little bit. Have the doors open right now letting in some fresh air. Hope you are having a great week. Tammy

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